Category Archives: Elder Law

More Options For Seniors at Home

“I’m never going into a nursing home.” “I’m never putting my mom in a nursing home.” “Please don’t let them put me in a nursing home.” These are the things I often here from my clients or their family members. As someone starts to falter, they fear ending up in a nursing home or fear… Continue Reading

What’s Your Secret?

I often ask my happy, healthy older clients what their secret is. Do you know what the answer most often is? Walking. It’s true: my clients who remain healthy and active (and at home) the longest are those who have a regular, daily habit of walking. Some of them walk around the block a few… Continue Reading

Ground Rules for Living With an Aging Parent

So you reviewed the last post on whether to have your aging parent live with you and you’ve decided to give it a try. Here are some ground rules for making it work: 1. Plan respite care and support before you need it. Don’t set yourself and your parent up for failure by trying to… Continue Reading

Should Your Parent Move In With You?

Very often when I’m meeting with older parents and their adult children, they will say “If mom becomes unable to care for herself, she’ll just move in with us.”  This works differently for different families – sometimes I hear that it is working for everyone, other times I get a call asking for referrals to… Continue Reading

Enjoying the Holidays With Someone With Memory Loss

Interacting with a family member who has memory loss due to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease can be stressful on everyone. Especially if you are going home for the holidays (or they are coming to your house) and haven’t been around them for a while.  I always recommend that my clients hire an Alzheimer’s coach for… Continue Reading

You Are Not Alone

Many times when I’m meeting with clients or families, as they tell me their stories I can see in their eyes that they feel like they are the only ones going through this particular issue.  I listen to them, and when I say “you are not alone. I see this quite frequently.” their spirits lift,… Continue Reading