Category Archives: Elder Law

Staying Healthy (and Keeping Others Healthy) When Visiting Nursing Homes or Hospitals

It’s almost winter, which means colder days, preparing for snow and an increased risk of colds and other illnesses.  While most of us can recover after a couple days of rest, common illnesses can take a toll on the elderly and infirm.  Illnesses can spread rapidly throughout a patient population even in the best and… Continue Reading

Links of Interest: Dementia

The New York Times had a recent article on money issues and Alzheimer’s disease. New research shows that one of the first signs of impending dementia is an inability to understand money and credit, contracts and agreements. It is not just families who are affected — financial advisers and lawyers say they are finding themselves… Continue Reading

Good Gifts Gone Bad – The Hidden Dangers of Giving Property to Your Children

I often have clients (or client’s children) who ask me – “can’t I just give my property to my child?” Or who say “My mom wants us to inherit her house, isn’t the easiest way to just have her sign a life estate deed?” Sometimes it’s “I’m allowed to give away $10,000.00 per year, right?”… Continue Reading