Teleseminar – How To Be Your Own Generational Coach

AgeWise Living is offering an 8 week tele-seminar on becoming your own generational coach.

This tele-seminar is for you if you are caring for a loved one and are having some of the following issues:

leaf Are
you a member of the "sandwich generation" — squeezed between raising
children and caregiving responsibilities for your parents, in-laws, or
other aging loved ones?
leaf Stressed and struggling with your eldercare issues?
leaf Do you lie awake nights worrying about them?
leaf Are they consuming your time and draining you financially and emotionally?
leaf Are eldercare issues creating problems at work and at home?
leaf Are conflicts with siblings or other family members sabotaging your efforts and undermining your relationships?
leaf Are
you spending hours searching for solutions to your critical eldercare
issues only to have your aging loved ones refuse to cooperate or even
discuss them with you?
leaf Do you feel like your life is out of control?

Even if you can’t attend the live phone calls, they will be recorded so that you can listen to them at your convenience. You also get a private coaching session with Barbara every week, her book on How To Be Your Own Generational Coach, and lots of other resources.    This is another great way to care for yourself as you are caring for others. 

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