Technology for Seniors Can Increase Safety and A Sense of Belonging


Technology advances are being made which make it easier for people with vision problems, arthritis, and hearing problems to be be able to use the latest "toys" like cell phone and personal computers.  Having access to a cell phone can provide seniors and their family members with a great sense of security – since mom or dad will be able to make a call in an emergency away from home.  And if they are a gad-about, like many of my clients, they can be reached by their children if they are out with friends or at an activity. 

Likewise, I'm finding that more of my older clients own computers and use them to keep in touch with their children and grandchildren who might be across town, across the country or even across the globe.  Being able to communicate more frequently, and to easily receive pictures and videos though email, can make families closer, even though they may be far apart. 

The Boston Globe has an article about some of the new products available.

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