Planning Your Funeral On-Line

You can do everything else on-line these days – shop, communicate with friends and strangers, read the news, pay your bills, find a mate – and now you can plan your funeral on-line with MyWonderfulLife.  As the site explains:

Whether you want a completely customized event, or a traditional
funeral, we make it easy to record your thoughts. Our resource section
has many ideas to get you thinking about what you would ideally want.  
You can enter as much or as little as you’d like and skip sections that
aren't relevant to you. It's also easy to change things throughout your
lifetime, as you change.  Here are some of the other things you can do

  • Leave letters to loved ones
  • Document the music and writings you love 
  • Leave your favorite memories, and anything else you’d like to share 
  • Let your Angels know where all your “stuff” is, like bank accounts, wills, and other important information 
  • Leave meaningful possessions to loved ones and tell them why 
  • Make sure your kids and pets are taken care of 
  • Write your own obituary 
  • Design your own headstone 
  • Upload some of your favorite photos that can be used at your service

You appoint "Angels" who will be notified that you have set up your account, and then after you pass away, they will log onto the site to download your last wishes. 

If having an on-line way to make these arrangements will encourage more people to do it, I think that is a good thing. 

If you prefer an "offline" method for recording these wishes, you can use a book like The What if…Workbook. Either way, it's important to have these things recorded, and to have someone who knows where to find all of your important documents. 

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