So, Your Kids Want You to See an Elder Law Attorney?

Many of my clients come to me by way of their children. Their adult children start worrying about their parents “getting their affairs in order” and they call or email me, maybe they even make the appointment.  You may find this helpful, you may find this meddlesome, or somewhere in between.  But they are just looking out for you, as you have always done for them. 

Some important things to keep in mind.

•    There’s more to getting your affairs in order than deciding who gets your stuff when you die. The more important consideration is figuring out who’s going to help you manage things while you are still alive, but need assistance or are unable to act on your own behalf.  Then you can figure out who’s going to get (or not get) your stuff when you die.

•    If we meet, I can review your current situation, answer all of your questions, give you information about what steps I recommend for you, what everything means, what the alternatives are and what the cost will be.  How we proceed is completely up to you. 

•    I can come to your house.  Many of my clients have difficulty getting out, or maybe they are just more comfortable meeting at home, since that is where the big box of papers is. Whatever the reason, if you need a home visit, just let me know.

•    If you hire me, anything you tell me remains confidential (even from your children, even if they made the appointment, even if they are paying my bill.) I will be your attorney, not your children’s.

•    Drawing up your Will, Trust or Durable Power of Attorney can be a relief – you are done with the process, and unless there is a significant change in your circumstances the documents will be good for years to come.  Plus, your kids will stop bugging you about it. 

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