Author Archives: Leanna

Avoiding Telephone Scams

It seems like every other week there are reports from the Hingham police or Massachusetts attorney general about telephone scams targeting seniors. While it is impossible to keep track of all of the variations, there are some themes that should make you suspicious.  These warning signs can also be applied to email scams. Beware of… Continue Reading

What Can Special Needs Trust Funds Be Spent On?

A frequent concern with parents of special needs children who have set up a special needs trust for that child is making sure that the child gets the most use out of the money. The limitations put on the expenditures by Social Security and other regulations can sometimes make parents or other family trustees hesitant… Continue Reading

I’m Retired, Now What?

Clients often come to me when they are nearing retirement, or shortly after, to update their estate plans. They find themselves with enormous amounts of paperwork from their former job about their various retirement benefits, have started getting mail from organizations who want their money or time and may find themselves dealing with confusing insurance… Continue Reading

Probating A Will In Massachusetts

If you have been appointed as the personal representative (formerly called the executor) of someone’s will in Massachusetts, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the job. The legal requirements and responsibilities of the job are not minor and you may find yourself in difficulties if certain steps aren’t followed. While in general it is best… Continue Reading